American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 8: Kaia Gerber on Kendall
Meanwhile, in the present we could have a chance to see more of what’s next for a certain group of college students, ones who found themselves pregnant, even though only two of them were women. One of these women was Kendall, who is played by relative newcomer to the franchise Kaia Gerber. She made her debut as Ruby on American Horror Stories, only to then transition over to the main franchise.
New American Horror Story video! Take a look below to get some additional thoughts on this past Double Feature episode, the introduction to “Death Valley.” Once you do that, be sure to then SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; we’re posting discussions after every episode and we don’t want you missing them!
What do we know about Kendall so far? She’s highly intelligent, and also desperate to avoid technology at all costs. She’s not as wicked or as deadly as Ruby, or at least that’s what we’ve seen of her so far. Speaking about the role further to Entertainment Tonight, Gerber made it clear what she liked about playing this part after her American Horror Stories run:
“…It was a really good transition to go from quite a dark and sometimes mean, for her own reasons, character to a more lighthearted and fun character like Kendall … [She] is very smart and very passionate. And I like that she is the kind of girl who runs toward the scary thing.”
Granted, we’re not actually 100% sure that “running towards the scary thing” was the right move in the premiere. Had she not approached those (living) cow carcasses, maybe she could’ve made a beeline out of there to avoid her situation. Of course, there’s no real way of knowing that…
What do you most want to see on American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 8?
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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.