The Bachelorette episode 6 video: Katie’s guys go after Hunter
In the sneak peek at the bottom of this article, you can get a reasonable sense of what we’re talking about here!
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During this date, the guys accuse Hunter of not being compatible with our leading lady Katie Thurston and also a “try-hard” — they come at him repeatedly but at the end of the preview, Hunter has a chance to retaliate. We don’t really get a chance to see what he says, but it could stir up all sorts of conversation in the house after the fact.
So why are so many guys against Hunter right now? It feels like a lot of it comes down to him spending time with Katie after he got a rose — he’s far from the first guy to do this and he’s competitive. Overly competitive? Absolutely you can make that argument, but he’s also not there to earn their respect or friendship. Katie’s the one who makes the final decision, though she may be taken somewhat aback by how many of her guys view Hunter in a relatively-negative light.
What do you think is going to happen with Katie and Hunter on The Bachelorette episode 6?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After doing just that, be sure to stick around for some other news pertaining to the show. (Photo: ABC.)
This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.