The Equalizer finale: Does Delilah know the truth about Robyn?
For the bulk of the finale, we know that Queen Latifah’s character tried her best — even when her latest crisis involved those close to her. Yet, at some point her house of straw was going to come falling to the ground; this is the episode where that started to happen.
When Delilah was at the station, it was clear then that she was starting to pick some things up. That was all the more clear when we got to that conversation at home. Then, Robyn left under the veil of darkness, completely unaware she was being watched. She’s so good at being on top of things and yet, she still had a noticeable blind spot.
If you’ve loved most of what you’ve seen on The Equalizer all season long, we’ve got a good feeling that you’ll enjoy this. There was probably more action in this episode than we’ve seen since the pilot, and we got a good reminder that no one messes with Robyn’s family.
After Robyn’s mission was complete at the end of the episode, the question that we had was simple: Would there be a cliffhanger? We saw Robyn try to convince Marcus to work with her, and the only answer that he gave her was that he’d “think about it.” He also indicated that even if he wasn’t coming after her, someone else would be. This is the end result of being in this business, no?
The closing minutes brought us Jason’s funeral, and this is where we had our cliffhanger: Delilah asking her mom about what she saw — her photo. She knows the truth! Or, at the very least, a part of the truth. In season 2, she’ll have some explaining to do…
Related – Be sure to get some more news on The Equalizer right now, including more thoughts on season 2
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