The Blacklist season 8 episode 2 photo: Liz & Dembe’s meeting
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This is where things get a little bit interesting when it comes to Dembe, given that this character could prove to have a very important role over the course of this coming episode. We know that Dembe has pushed Reddington in the past to come clean to Liz about what’s transpired in the past. Clearly, he seems to believe that whatever transpired is stuff that Liz and Reddington could work through. Alas, James Spader’s character did not listen, which leads to us being where we are now.
Is there still hope that something could be repaired? We think so. While we don’t imagine that Dembe is going to tell Liz a secret that is not his to share, the photo above signals that they are at least talking … though it may not be the most cordial of conversations. Is Liz tied up to something? What’s around one of her hands? Maybe this isn’t a meeting so much as a confrontation, but it’s one the show absolutely needs to dive into and we’re excited for the end result.
What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 8 episode 2?
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