Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Who won final HoH, part 1?
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In advance of the competition, here is what we know — the final HoH Competition usually has an endurance at the start of it, and that is certainly what we expected coming into this. Yet, the show clearly wanted to make us wait for a long time in order to see it — there was never a plan to show it off tonight in the episode. More than likely, part 1 is going to unravel later tonight, and we’ll have a chance to learn who won at some point over the course of the evening. Part 2 will likely happen on Saturday, while part 3 is going to take place during the live show itself next Wednesday.
We just wish that there would be a way to get at least some information as to what the competition was exactly coming out of the episode tonight.
The live feeds came back around 10:40 p.m. Eastern time, and soon after it was easy to determine that Nicole was the winner for part 1. It was the spinning Head of Household, and Cody started to lament how part 2 was going to be a showdown-of-sorts with Cody … something that he knew would be a challenge. We’re not sure he can pull it off.
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What do you want to see happen in the Big Brother 22 final three?
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