NBC’s ‘Revolution’ review: Dreams and daggers

Really ever since we learned the nature of the secret Miles was hiding on “Revolution,” there was really one moment that we were waiting for above all others: the ultimate face-off with Monroe. Did it happen as we expected? Not exactly; as a matter of fact, it was really just a hallucination.

Daydreams were a major part of Monday night’s episode, as we saw the characters all start to see things that were not entirely there as they embarked on their journey through the tunnel. While there is a part of us that wants to criticize this action as just filler content in a 22-episode season, it was also interesting structurally to see just some of the insecurities or their unconscious desires. Aaron clearly missed his wife and felt guilty about leaving her, and Charlie dreamed about her father and whether or not she would ever end up seeing him again at some point.

Eventually Charlie and Miles each made it out of their respective trances, and returned to the form of family that they know: a niece and her uncle, traveling together to try and save Danny.

The frustrating thing about “Revolution” is that every week is more or less the same thing, with this group of survivors desperately trying to avoid the militia and complete their mission. This is ultimately why the other story with Rachel is far more interesting at the moment, mostly because there is more in the way of stakes here. Much more. After all, a certain “doctor” from her past managed to convince the militia that she was working on a bomb, and then it was decided that she was not needed anymore … for at least two seconds. In the craziest move we have seen on the show yet, Rachel stabbed the only man who could have done her job at the camp; and in turn, probably saved her life. There were no hallucinations here; only actions.

What did you think about this episode?

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