The Flash season 6 finale spoilers: Prepare for Eva’s big showdown
Is she fully evil? It’s complicated. She’s capable of very bad things, but we don’t think that she sees herself as evil at all. She’s operating with a very specific plan, one that is getting closer to coming to fruition. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what Efrat Dor had to say on this very subject:
“You get to see her in the full Mirror Master suit, which has been so deeply thought out … So much work and heart was put into that suit. Hopefully, it satisfies the fans seeing Eva finally coming into her full ‘Mirror Mastress’ look. They’re going to see a lot of beautifully shot action stuff with her in that suit. Eva is getting very strong.”
Dor notes that this episode is not going to be her final appearance on this show — which makes a good bit of sense when you consider that this arc was supposed to originally last for a few more episodes. We’ll see some of those stories play out when the show returns (whenever that is), and we’ll see where the story goes from here. We know that there are some loose ends here and there, including what the status of the Reverse Flash will be and then also the presence of Ramsey Rosso a.k.a. Bloodwork, who is operating with some sort of specific long-game in mind. We’ll just have to see what it is.
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