Grey’s Anatomy season 16: Did the Cristina text surprise you?
Should this have come as a shock? Probably not, if for no other reason than that we’ve always gotten the indication that Meredith is still friends with Sandra Oh’s character, even though she’s off in Switzerland. Yet, at the same time we’ve also seen the show hesitate to feature her too much at all in episodes, with our principal theory for that being that they don’t want to frequently remind you of a character you’re missing out on. That takes some of the attention away from what you’re seeing and puts it somewhere else.
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The text that Cristina sent had mostly to do with the “article” from Meredith that was incredibly misleading and was constructed of some suggested ideas — we wouldn’t call this by any means a reflection of what she really wanted to say. Remember that she partially owns the Grey Sloan Hospital. Why sabotage it?
Ultimately, the Cristina mention was thrown in tonight just to show that news of Meredith’s article spread to the other side of the world — Cristina joked that her friend may need to move to Switzerland in order to ensure that she avoided the wrath of Bailey.
As for whether or not this is a sign that we’ll be seeing Oh reprise the character on the show coming up, that feels unlikely. For the time being, we’ll hold out hope that she could turn up in a milestone hour or the series finale. Yet, there would have to be a purpose to it … and she is also very busy these days dealing with Killing Eve.
Related News – Be sure to check out some details for the next episode!
Were you surprised by the Cristina mention on tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy episode, or happy when the dust settled? Be sure to share in the comments, and remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: ABC.)