Animal Kingdom season 4 episode 3 video: The art heist plan
As you can see in the sneak peek below, Frankie comes into the Cody fold with some sky-high expectations for what this heist should be. It’s slow, it’s calculating, and it’s involved with being in the right place at the right time. A lot of this isn’t the Cody Boys MO, which typically involves them charging in and doing what they can in order to get what they want. They are agents of chaos and this heist involves a certain element of control.
Let’s add to the fascination now by throwing in the Frankie – Craig relationship. At the end of the sneak peek, she proclaims this to be a “puzzle” more so than a job, and she tells him that she did not bring the heist to the rest of the family — she brought it to him. What we think she’s doing is manipulating him by making this into something that it’s not — a romantic challenge. She’s showing him that she values him, and not the rest of the family. He’s special to her as a man and she’s putting all of her confidence in him. We think Craig certainly could figure this out, but it might take some time.
We’ve seen the result of Frankie’s machinations already: Craig being caught with mere pennies and on the outside looking in. He’s being used and maybe he knows he’s being used. Maybe he doesn’t care, given that Frankie is still assigning a value to him that no one else does. He’s usually just the brawny guy in some of the heists — he’s never the schemer and never the brains behind the operation.
Want more Animal Kingdom video coverage? If so, our latest episode review is at the bottom of this article! Remember to subscribe since our CarterMatt YouTube channel (and our Animal Kingdom playlist) is great way to keep up with the show and have fun discussion with other fans.
Is the entire Cody clan taking part?
Well … not so much. Pope is what we like to call unfit for business at the moment. He’s been taking a physical beating and who knows what sort of loop he’s been thrown into because of Angela. Her arrival is a curveball no one anticipated, as is the latest health crisis for Smurf. Maybe he’s off dealing with one or two of them in this episode; or, maybe there’s just not any brotherly trust towards the guy at the moment. After some of what happened at the end of the premiere with Pope dropping the ball, he may be damaged goods.
Will Craig succeed in his plan, and actually impress Frankie in the process? We’ll see on Tuesday. Side theory — eventually, we could see J plotting to screw her over, seeing how she is using Craig and how he could want to get some of her high-level jobs on his own.
For more plotting, and more Animal Kingdom story theories, check out some of what we’ve got over here. Also, give us some of your predictions for Tuesday’s new episode in the comments. (Photo: TNT.)