Lucifer season 4 spoilers: Another new Tom Ellis – Inbar Lavi photo!


As we approach the Lucifer season 4 premiere date on May 8, Netflix seems to be keeping this promotional train rolling. Today, that comes in the form of a rather-amusing new photo below featuring Tom Ellis’ title character alongside new addition Eve (Inbar Lavi), who is being exposed to a totally new side of the devil than she ever has before. This is a side who loves to eat cheese puffs and watch TV. For the record, we’re really hoping that the two are watching old episodes of Bones — we’re never letting that magic go.

So beyond the two watching TV, is there a little bit of a deeper meaning here? It seems so, given that Ellis tells Entertainment Weekly (who first shares the image) that “a lot of this season is about the Jekyll and Hyde of Lucifer.” There are basically two sides to this character at this point — the individual that he was years ago, back when Eve first met him, and then also the person he’s become since arriving in Los Angeles. This is a side of him that’s a little bit more restrained and also caring towards others.

Want some more Lucifer video discussion? Then check out what we have to say about the recently-released trailer at the bottom of this article! Be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube so you don’t miss out on our Lucifer coverage and also take a look at our playlist all about the show.

It’s hard to necessarily say for certain whether this is Good Lucifer or Bad Lucifer without context here, since the two may be watching something devilish after some even-more-devilish misdeeds. Nonetheless, this photo and a lot of this season is going to be about who Lucifer wants to be now. As we discuss in our written piece about the trailer (which you can read all about here), Eve seems to want nothing more than to try and embrace Lucifer as the devil. That’s why she loves him and she’s probably going to do just about everything that she can in order to enable that side of him. It’s going to seem on the surface like she’s fun and wild, but there could certainly be a darker side to her. She hasn’t seen Lucifer in a long time, time changes people, and she could have become increasingly dangerous in the time in which he’s started to reform (at least for him).

So while this photo is cheesy (pun intended) and seems innocent enough, the situation that these two characters are in may say a considerable amount about their relationship, and also how Lucifer may be trying to please her by being someone different than who he now is. Luckily, we won’t have to wait all that long in order to dive into some of this, and we’re totally excited to do so.

What do you think is going on in this new Lucifer photo, and what do you also think that it means for the future of this character and Eve? Be sure to sound off now in the attached comments. (Photo: Netflix.)


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