Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH? (day 27)

Big Brother Canada 6 casting

Tonight in the Big Brother Canada 7 house, we’re at very much an interesting point in the game. We know who won the latest Head of Household Competition, and they now have a really interesting choice to make moving forward.

Let’s get right to it: Sam won HoH! While this isn’t ideal (the best thing would’ve been seeing someone like Damien get it), we do at least think that Sam has the ability to make some sort of move. She does recognize that there is probably a guy alliance going on and she needs to figure out a way to do something about it … if she can listen to Chelsea’s voice in her head and not Adam’s right in front of her.

As of right now, it seems like Dane is contemplating putting up some of the guys, but she’s struggling to really hone down precise ones. The Pretty Boys probably need to realize that one of them is going up, and the best thing that they can hope for is that someone like Kiki ends up being a pawn. Then, all the bros need is one vote on their side and they can keep their whole alliance safe and send Kiki packing this week. (We at least know that she is not nominating either Damien or Kyra, so those two are safe. She wants to use Kyra for some strategy talk later on, and they may prove to be exceptionally useful in the game this week.)

Ultimately, all we’ve heard at the moment tonight is Sam having a conversation with Adam, and that is going about as well as you would think — in other words, it’s really not going anywhere. He just wants to reinforce things from his side, which doesn’t really benefit Sam’s long-term game. Her problem really is that she needs to find a final two to be more loyal to than Adam and she’s not going to find it. Getting rid of a guy this week for her is great, but because she’ll still be tied to Adam, her demise is eventually likely. She’d actually be better off to try to split and pair with Kyra, at least if she wants a chance at winning in the end … even if it’s a really hard road to make it there.

We’ll see where things go, but for now, we have some cautious optimism that there could be something that shakes up the game. While everyone has seen the Blood Veto now, nobody knows really how to make heads or tails of it. (We imagine Canada will be involved there somehow — think of it as a great equalizer. Can Damien actually win something again?

Want to get some more news when it comes to tonight’s Double Eviction?

Then be sure to head over to the link here now for a full review!

What do you want to see happen in the Big Brother Canada house this week? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: Global.)

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