Lucifer season 4 spoilers: A big story for Maze is coming…
For some Lucifer video coverage, check out our take on the end of filming below! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube to get some other updates, and also check out our official Lucifer playlist! You don’t want to miss any other scoop that we have on the show.
For the sake of the rest of this article let’s talk about Maze — and we’ve got a good reason to do that, given that we are shaping up for her to have a significant arc! It’s one that could test her, mostly because you’re throwing her a new challenge that could unsettle her and cause her to think a little bit differently about the world — it’s not often that someone like Maze gains a different perspective! Here is some of what Lesley-Ann Brandt had to say on the subject to TVLine:
“Maze does fall in love this season … Season 3 explored what relationships and friendships feel like and how you can be let down and make up, while Season 4 is now about her finding her someone.”
We should point out that because this is Maze, we have a hard time thinking that this is finding love in your traditional way. It’s not about her going to coffee shop and meeting someone over lattes. It may not be love completely on her terms every single second, but we do expect some sort of middle ground. We’re just excited to see both the writers and Brandt dive into this head-first since it’s an opportunity to add more vulnerability to such a tough character. We already know her capacity for feeling pain and being hurt, and that sometimes, she uses her assassin-like skills and tough personality as a mask for her softer sides. It’s hard to be able to show that, especially when there is such an expectation from you to lead with force or with fear. Yet, a person is all sides; in order for this new relationship to work (no matter who it is), Maze will need to show them all of her. There should be highs, there should be lows, and there absolutely should be payoff — even if this is a story that continues into a possible season 5.
Now that we’re on the subject of season 5, here’s where we remind you of how important it is to check out Lucifer shortly after it premieres, watch it all the way through and also how important it is to spread the word! We know that Netflix was a little more quick to cancel shows lately than they have been in the past long before their cancellations of Daredevil and One Day at a Time, but they’ve both poured so much cement on the idea that it’s now solid like a rock. Lucifer will need all of its devilish powers to find its way back for another season and we feel confident that it will get there.
Want some other Lucifer news?
Then check out the link here, where you can see some speculation that we’ve got regarding a season 4 trailer! Also, let us know some of your hopes for Maze below. (Photo: Netflix.)