Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Nominations + Cory’s quest (day 7)
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Let’s start with the pertinent information about nominations — late this evening (Eastern time) Head of Household Dane nominated Kyra and then Maki for eviction, with Maki understanding ahead of time that he is not the target (even though some of the guys have discussed possibly going after him instead). Kyra apologized for some of their comments towards Dane in the past; they are trying to do what they can to smooth over the situation but for now, it doesn’t seem to be working all that well. They’re probably leaving unless they happen to win the Power of Veto coming up.
Dane actually seems to be doing okay when it comes to keeping himself safe — he’s got close bonds with a LOT of people. The Pretty Boys alliance of himself, Anthony, Adam, and Mark still seems to be one of the dominant crews in the game, but then Chelsea and Sam are also sort-of-attached to them … but not too close. Some of the guys seem fine with Sam (namely, Dane and Anthony) are down for Sam going because she’s too close to Adam and that could cause some issues for them down the road. They’re thinking for the future! Good on this, given that in Big Brother it’s always best to be looking towards the future in addition to the present.
Given that Cory seems to be the next target of the dominant group in the game, she’ll have to watch herself next week. That could change depending on who wins. Kiera and Estefania, for example, are more than fine getting rid of Adam or Sam if given the opportunity given that they are so dominant in the game right now. We’re sure a lot of other people would be, as well, if given the opportunity to make the move.
Cory is sticking around!
This is the great news for her, as she was able to get a few more people with a final two deal (Kailyn and Damien to go along with Eddie). She can stay in the game! She routinely asked Kyra for one but they didn’t want to bite on it despite multiple attempts. It made sense for her to go after them because they’re so far on the outs. Yet, she lives for another day and gets to compete … which she’ll need, given the fact that she is such a target.
If you missed it…
Be sure to read our full interview from earlier today with Laura! We’ll have more exit interviews throughout the weeks to come.
What do you think about Dane’s nominations? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below! (Photo: Global.)