The Masked Singer season 2: How much celebrity interest is there?
Related The Masked Singer video – Be sure to get some more information regarding this past episode of the series below! Also, remember that you can subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more information and be sure to also check out our show playlist.
If there is one thing that we’ve come to know about celebrities, it is simply this: They like to follow trends. They also like to take part in something fun. The appeal of this show is that it’s lighthearted, celebratory, and has an enormous audience. If you are a celebrity wanting to do something a little different and interested in a positive platform for himself, why wouldn’t you sign up for the show? We think that there will be some bigger names in season 2, though we’re also not sure that bigger names is important so much as interesting names. It’s far more interesting to us learning that there are some actors and athletes with surprisingly-good singing talents than it is hearing a singer’s voice that we automatically recognize.
In speaking (via TVLine) about the sort of talent that the series has already assembled, here is what Fox’s reality TV chief Rob Wade had to say on the subject:
“We’ve had a lot of phone calls — more phone calls than we had on Season 1, surprisingly.”
Is that really surprising? We don’t think so, given that before season 1, The Masked Singer as a concept was an unknown and nobody knew exactly how it was going to be received by anyone. We hoped that it would have a rather large fan following, but it was hard to determine that it was going to be anywhere near the enormous hit it’s become. This is the #1 new show of the year so far and with the show’s format, it doesn’t require that you have the same viewers year after year. New viewers could dive into the show next year and be more than fine — also, we’ve learned that there will be entirely new characters in season 2, so you won’t be watching new people in the Peacock or the Alien costumes. This is a way in which to show off some more of is creativity — we also like the idea of some of the celebrities really working to properly cultivate their alter egos.
Related News – Check out some more details regarding the next new episode of The Masked Singer, set to air on Fox tomorrow night!
Are there any celebrities that you would like to see on The Masked Singer season 2? Be sure to share some of your thoughts at the moment below. (Photo: Fox.)