Shameless season 9 episode 7 preview: Can Fiona recover? Life without Ian

Shameless season 8

Moving into Shameless season 9 episode 7 this weekend, one thing certainly feels clear: Fiona’s going to be in a tough spot.

At the end of this past episode, Emmy Rossum’s character found herself in a car accident, and it also definitely seems like she’s going to have to come to terms with the fact that Ford isn’t who he said he was. We’re not sure if he will have a major role in the show again, but Fiona’s family certainly will — and she is going to have to rely on some of them if she wants to move forward.

At the moment, it seems like Fiona’s story is the one that will draw the most headlines — and understandably so, given that until some recent events she was really the Gallagher on the up and up. Sure, it feels like Carl is on the road to West Point, but who knows as to whether or not he is actually going to make it there? That feels a little bit too early to figure out.

What’s going to be rather interesting about the Fiona story is that one of the people most proactive in helping her out is Debbie — that does show a lot in terms of her own evolution as a character, that she has figured out a way to put her problems to the side, even for just a few minutes, and focus a lot on someone else.

The weirdest part of this episode at the moment feels fairly simple: Getting a chance to see what Shameless looks like without Ian. That’s still going to be a difficult adjustment, and something that we’re going to have to get used to over time. We do think that we’ll get there, even if it does take a little bit of time. (The show, for the record, will absolutely never feel the same.) At least the character got a proper ending.

For more thoughts on Cameron Monaghan’s exit on Shameless, check out the video below; meanwhile, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news.

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What do you want to see when it comes to Shameless season 9 episode 7? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! (Photo: Showtime.)

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