Chicago Med season 4 spoilers: What’s the story for Connor Rhodes?
A part of the reason for this may have to do with a story during season 3 which could have had him departing Chicago for the Mayo Clinic, provided that’s what he wanted. Yet, there was never any public indication that Colin Donnell was going to leaving and it’s certainly not something that we ever really thought was a serious possibility.
Thankfully, we’ve got some further confirmation now that Rhodes is, in fact, not going anywhere in the near future. This is what executive producers Andrew Schneider and Diane Frolov had to say on the subject to Variety:
“Connor is heading up an experimental program which will put him back in the E.D. We will have two new and very different medical students training under our regulars. Will Halstead has a continuing storyline with people from his old neighborhood which will put him in conflict with Natalie. Finally, Goodwin will find herself increasingly at odds with Med’s new COO, Gwen Garrett.”
So is this a good story for Connor? We think so just because revolutionary medicine is the sort of thing that helps to separate this show more from some of the others. As for some of the other stories, there is still no confirmation in here if Natalie accepted Will’s proposal … but it does feel like they’re going to stay in the same orbit. The one story that we’re very curious about is how Dr. Charles recovers from what happened at the end of last season with Sarah Reese and her father. After all, the character is not featured in the key art above.
Related – Be sure to check out some more analysis of the key art!
What do you want to see when it comes to Dr. Rhodes’ story on Chicago Med season 4? Be sure to share right now in the comments!
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