Floribama Shore season 2 episode 5 video: Codi’s fighting with everyone
Remember just this past episode, when Codi was doing everything in his power to try and hook up with Candace? Well, it feels like the tables are turning already when it comes to that. In the video below, you can see Codi getting into it with Aimee at one point and Candace at another — apparently, he thinks that he is being blamed incorrectly for some drama in the house and he’s going to do everything within his power to try and stand up for himself. We don’t exactly think that this is going to be especially well-received by some other people in the house. It leads to swearing, anger, and more than likely everyone wanting to get a little bit of distance from the guy.
Consider this a pretty sharp contrast to some of what we saw at the end of this past episode, or even the drama at the start of the episode, as well — which was a little more serious. While we do think that the situation in the moment is probably pretty dire for Codi, it’ll probably blow over before too long. This isn’t being billed as the sort of thing that is going to completely shatter the house into pieces.
There will be some drama that comes from some other places in this episode, as well, especially as one housemate’s relationship with their boyfriend outside of the house could start to get into a little bit of peril.
Related – Be sure to get some other information on this episode now!
What do you want to see when it comes to Floribama Shore season 2 episode 5, and why do you think that Codi is as mad as he is? Share right away in the attached comments!
Also, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook right now for some more information regarding the series. You don’t want to miss some other updates over the rest of the season.(Photo: MTV.)