Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony plan, punishments, & rewards (late-night, day 46)

Big Brother 20 premiere

For tonight’s Big Brother 20 live feed update, we want to start things off by detailing some of the major plans that have been orchestrated since the Veto Competition, including everyone trying to make things way more complicated than they really need to be.

Take, for example, the plan to backdoor Bayleigh. Since none of the houseguests have really seen all of the rules about her Identify Theft power, there is a concern that she will be able to use it to save herself before she is named replacement nominee — that’s at least Angela’s plan. With that, she has been working overtime to come up with a plan that she can act close to her only to blindside her at the Ceremony, which is another reminder that Angela is cold and seems to have no issue potentially getting zero jury votes down the line if she keeps acting this way.

Meanwhile, we’ve already seen tonight Brett talk to Bayleigh, mostly in an attempt to get closer to her and by extension, Faysal. He wants to build something there and in the process, he’s tried to pretend like he’s distanced himself from Level 6 or whatever you want to call them right now.

The one hope, ironically, that Bayleigh has is Haleigh trying to scramble to throw Tyler and Scottie under the bus by talking about how close they are. This is her trying to solidify something again with the women, but odds are this is going to blow up terribly in her face. As a matter of fact, this may be more evidence to Angela that it’s actual her who won the hacker comp power and not Bayleigh, as she first thought.

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Related Check out our most-recent Allison Grodner interview

Rewards from the Veto Competition – Scottie is now $5,000 richer, while Tyler is going to have a chance to visit Hawaii! Kaycee, meanwhile, has to wear some sort of costume, which is a reminder that her biggest contribution to this season is coming in the realm of costumes.

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