Doctor Who 2018 Christmas Special seems to be coming

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Is there going to be a Doctor Who 2018 Christmas Special? This is something that there has been some uncertainty on as of late, mostly due to the fact that the cast and crew has been mostly transfixed on season 11, which is coming to the BBC this fall. There hasn’t been a whole lot said about the Christmas Special, but it is something that is very important to a number of people. It is a part of the holiday festivities and as a result of that, we don’t want to see it go anywhere.

Luckily, some early indications do suggest that there is going to be a Christmas Special coming up still. Based on a CV discovered by a user on Twitter, it does seem as though there are plans for another special this year. There’s a reason why continuing to do these is so official, mostly because once you give up a spot on the Christmas schedule, it can be rather hard to get it back. This is one of the most-coveted timeslots for any show. In one way, it’s about producing big ratings. Yet, at the same time it’s also about trying to figure out how to be a part of a tradition. There’s something special about being there for viewers every Christmas and that’s not something we want to see change in the near future. It’s a part of what makes being on a show like Doctor Who all the more special. You get to be a part of that tradition, just like you do many great others.

We anticipate all sorts of great news on season 11 throughout the month of July — there’s going to be likely some sort of reveal at San Diego Comic-Con a little bit later this summer, but we certainly anticipate a few reveals, potentially when it comes to new footage, before we get around to that.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Doctor Who season 11

What do you want to see when it comes to the Doctor Who 2018 Christmas Special? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook to score some further information and news when it comes to the series. (Photo: BBC.)

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