Cloak & Dagger episode 5 sneak peek: Tandy wants to use her powers

Cloak & Dagger episode 5

Cloak & Dagger episode 5 is coming up on Freeform and at the center of this installment, you’re going to be seeing Tandy making an important decision when it comes to her future — she wants to use her powers. For the first time, it feels as though she is really embracing what has been given to her rather than just trying to run.

In the sneak peek below, Tandy makes it clear to Tyrone that she doesn’t want to shy away from her abilities — the moment she touches someone, she can understands their hopes and dreams. She’s been given something for the first time in really her entire life after spending so much of the past several years having thing taken from her. She basically sees this now as an opportunity for her to be able to take something for herself. She hasn’t really had this opportunity all that much and she doesn’t want to lose out on the chance to use it now.

With all of this said, are we going to see Tyrone follow suit with him wanting to use some powers of his own? Let’s just say that he is a little more hesitant on this particular thing. He isn’t anywhere near as eager to use his powers to see the fear in others; with that, he’s going to try to resume his normal life. He wants things to go back to as they once were, which does make some sense given that not everyone wants to deal with something like powers and added responsibilities.

Ultimately, this episode is probably going to go a little bit differently than either one of them first thought. Expect some surprises from start to finish.

Related Want to get some other news right away when it comes to what lies ahead?

What do you want to see when it comes to Cloak & Dagger episode 5? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some more news and information when it comes to the series. Once there is some more news to report on, we’ll have it for you here. (Photo: Freeform.)

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