When could Law & Order: SVU season 20 start filming?

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When will we get a chance to see Law & Order: SVU season 20 start filming? We know that over the next month or so, that is something that is going to be pondered over many times! The start of filming is always a great occasion for any fan, and we definitely think that this is true this season perhaps more so than any other beforehand. There is, naturally, a lot of anticipation that comes with a season 20.

With all of this said, we have a feeling that things are not going to change all that much when it comes to the filming schedule. It may be a special season, but SVU is a well-oiled machine. They know the production schedule that works well for them and we don’t imagine this changing all this much.

So when should filming start then? think along the lines of the middle of July, and from there we imagine production continuing well into the spring. It would be wonderful to get another 24-episode order, especially since there should be a lot of time to get some great character-focused stories in there. With this also being the 20th season coming up, we would personally love for this to be the season where some past favorites turn in some reprisals. We’d certainly love another Cabot appearance, for example, and it certainly shouldn’t be much of a shock that we’ve been rooting for a Christopher Meloni cameo for some time now. (If it’s not going to happen in season 20, what’s the best time for it to happen? The series finale?)

Beyond the history that comes with a season 20 and tying the record of the original show, we just hope for another great season of timely, powerful stories. Expect to see this latest batch of episodes to premiere in the fall.

Want to get some other news when it comes to SVU?

(Photo: NBC.)

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