American Horror Story season 8 sets return for Billie Lourd

American Horror Story: Cult - Billie Lourd

After coming on board the franchise last season, it appears as though Billie Lourd is going to be stopping by for a reprisal on American Horror Story season 8.

This news comes in courtesy of Deadline, but unfortunately there was not too much information handed out regarding just what sort of role Billie could be playing. In general, the story of season 8 is at the moment somewhat ambiguous, save for the fact that it is set a good year and a half in the future. We know that tonally, it is going to be a little more supernatural than what we saw on Cult last year, and it may have a little more in common with some of the earlier seasons of the show.

Billie is joining a cast that also includes a number of franchise familiar faces including Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, and a returning Kathy Bates following her time in Disjoined. We will also be seeing Joan Collins stop by in a role as the grandmother of Peters’ characters. There are rumors out there that this season is going to be titled American Horror Story: Radioactive, but for the time being there is not too much when it comes to confirmation on that subject. Personally, we do not really see the merit in titling the season such a way since radioactivity really is not the sort of thing that draws viewers to your project unless you are talking about Spider-Man.

No matter the title, American Horror Story season 8 is going to be premiering this fall. Filming is going to begin in the summer and more news should be announced at some point around then.

Related Read more news regarding Kathy Bates and her role

What do you think about Billie Lourd getting a chance to come back to American Horror Story for a season 8 role? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Also, remember that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you do want to secure some other insight in regards to the series. We’ll have more updates the moment that they come out. (Photo: FX.)

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