Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Has the vote flipped?

Johnny Mulder

Have we experienced a legitimate flip of the votes in the Big Brother Canada 6 house today? It seems that way; as for who is responsible, however, that seems to be a subject of greater debate.

Johnny, of course, is someone who put in a lot of work over the last couple of days to get a lot of votes on his side. Meanwhile, Ali and Olivia were also trying to manipulate things; with that, they feel like they’ve made a huge move in making sure that he sticks around this week and that Ryan goes home.

The person who gets screwed over the most in Johnny staying is Paras, who has been campaigning for Ryan most of the week. Ryan is close to her and she doesn’t really have a whole lot of reason to want to keep Johnny around. Really, almost none of these people have a reason to keep Johnny in terms of him being a big threat to win. Ryan’s not getting more than a vote or two tops at the end, if that.

What’s crazy here is that even Derek and Kaela seem to be okay now with the idea of Johnny staying, but let’s see if that ends up staying true come tomorrow morning. This is the most definitive things have been all week but this is a season full of people with flip-flopping opinions. It’s fair with that in mind that the votes could flip one more time. (We’re calling this week a flip just because we assumed Johnny would go for the vast majority of it.)

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As of right now, we don’t buy into most of the various claims that are out there about what people will do next week. If someone other than Daela is in power, we imagine that it’s going to be SUPER difficult to avoid taking that shot.

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