Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Still waiting on nominations (day 15)
When it does happen at this point, it seems as though the targets for now are going to be Jesse and Olivia. That still makes very little sense, and it’s yet another reminder that Hamza really isn’t all that good of a player. It actually makes perfect sense that one of his favorite players is Cody Nickson. They both are very good competition players who still struggle with how to play the game socially — they think that winning competitions is enough and that they can earn trust while keeping secrets from the rest of the house. Remember when Cody didn’t want to tell anyone that he was going to nominate Paul? Hamza kept from much of the house what he wanted to do with Jesse … though Derek still went and told him this morning anyway and he was upset.
Ultimately, Hamza is probably going to waste this much-ballyhooed HoH reign on getting rid of someone in Olivia who has been made out to be a Vanessa Rousso-sized threat by Paras, but who actually hasn’t shown too many actual chops in the game. She isn’t liked by too many people and she hasn’t been a competition beast. Hamza should’ve just nominated Kaela and Derek like he thought about at one point. We actually think that time is a Big Brother player’s worst enemy and that if this was a Double Eviction, he probably would have went ahead and made that move. That would’ve fundamentally changed the entire game since it would have eliminated a showmance from the equation; also, it would’ve put a big hole in the Real Deal alliance that could end up making it really far.
Related – Want to read our full Big Brother Canada interview with Andrew Miller?
Hopefully later today the nominations and Veto will happen and there will be a few more updates at around that time.
Update: Nominations happened right when we were writing this article. Jesse and Olivia are now officially on the block.
For now, let us know what you think about Hamza’s reign so far in the comments! You can also like CarterMatt on Facebook if you want some more updates regarding the series. (Photo: Global.)