Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: It’s not that complicated… (day 14)
CarterMatt’s Exhibit A — seeing what happened last week with Ryan, who chose to nominate both Hamza and Andrew thinking that he could manipulate everyone into throwing the Veto to one of the nominees. If he wanted Olivia out he should have just nominated her outright in order to ensure that she went home. Meanwhile, this week Hamza, despite wanting to break up the Kaela / Derek showmance, is for whatever reason not altogether interested in nominating them together. He wants to put up Olivia and Kaela and potentially use Derek as a backdoor, which really makes no sense for a few different reasons.
For starters, we’re not sure Kaela goes against Olivia, given that Paras has that Real Deal alliance with Kaela, Derek, and Jesse and could probably sway enough people to stick with her without looking too terrible in Hamza’s eyes. Beyond that, it’s possible that Derek gets picked for Veto, wins it, removes Kaela, and Hamza is forced to nominate someone outside of his plans. If you want to break up a showmance, nominate a showmance and then give yourself the best shot. If Hamza is so confident in his ability to win competitions, it makes sense for him to just go out and win the Veto regardless of who he is up against. He at least ensures that either Kaela or Derek is on the block all week and the odds of Olivia winning the Veto don’t seem to be anywhere close to what these same said odds are for Derek in that position.
Related – Read more of our take on Thursday night’s eviction
We’ll be back later in the day with more on the nominations, and also a new interview with Andrew Miller to go along with it! Remember to like CarterMatt on Facebook for even more Big Brother Canada scoop including previews, live feed updates and interviews. (Photo: Global.)