Big Brother Canada 6 episode 4 review: Ryan detonates his game
Ryan’s problem here was ultimately twofold. First, it was nominating two people in Hamza and Andrew who he didn’t want to actually send home just for the sake of making the whole house happy. Meanwhile, the second mistake he made was counting on the Veto Competition and the idea that everyone not nominated would want to throw it. For a guy who is a super-fan, didn’t he think it was possible that money could be involved? That $5,000 prize during the Tomb Raider competition gave everyone all of the incentive in the world to want to compete and beyond that, Erica also just wanted to win it out of spite because she doesn’t like being told what to do.
Also, it’s silly to do nominations in the way Ryan did especially since both he and Andrew both have zero chance of winning anything endurance-based.
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Basically, what Ryan should have done this week is this: Have his plan to backdoor someone, but don’t really push anyone on it. Let the chips fall where they may and if nothing else, leave the week with little blood on his hands. Or, just not win HoH at all since that’s never a great idea this early in the game unless there’s an easy target you can get out. Andrew was that, but the problem was that the two were friends. He could’ve easily thrown this and still had Andrew leave the game this week at the hands of someone else.
CarterMatt Verdict
There wasn’t too much in the show that we didn’t know from the live feeds, but in the end that’s okay in this instance. There are some fun characters this season and given that it keeps it on the air, we don’t mind product placement.
Now, if only we could get Walton Goggins to congratulate us on something…
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