Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 2 HoH; early trainwrecks (day 6)
Let’s start with this: Ryan is Head of Household, and what he has to do at the moment is be smart about what he wants to go. He’s aligned with not the greatest group of people — that’s especially true with someone like Andrew, who has been little other than a one-man wrecking ball so far in the house. He’s burned a ton of bridges already, and not just because of the twist at the start of the game. Ryan is close with him, but he told him that he may have to nominate him — he knows that he’s playing the long game here and there is little logic in attaching himself to a sinking ship.
As of right now, the power structure of the house seems to be that the single people are mostly working together while the ones in relationships (mostly the older people, with Hamza and a couple others) are on the outs. The house goal right now seems to be to target Andrew this week, and then take out the newbies in Merron and Veronica. These two have tried to come in using a story that is not altogether believable and they know way more about the game than they probably should. We don’t actually see them going next week; neither one of them is an aggressive personality and with that, we envision that the two of them will end up sticking around for a little while.
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From what we’ve seen from the feeds so far, there is absolutely quite a bit to like about this season. You have some interesting players for starters, which many of them being trainwrecks. Hamza is a chaotic mess who will probably be gone in a few weeks but we’re enjoying it. Erica is playing really hard, and we’re impressed so far with our winner pick Paras. She’s not necessarily in the core of all the numbers but that’s okay. She’s laying low and doing her best.
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