Peter Dinklage, Morgan Freeman star in Doritos, Mountain Dew Super Bowl commercial

Peter Dinklage

Throughout Super Bowl Sunday, we’re going to be offering you a chance to see some of the biggest commercials on the night. Think of this as a way to get a jump on the big game, or a way to get some additional insight on some of the ads!

In this article, we’re putting the focus entirely on the new Doritos / Mountain Dew spot that has a serious dose of star power. For the Doritos portion of it, you’ve got Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage doing some fiery lip-syncing for their spicy new chips. Meanwhile, for the Mountain Dew part Morgan Freeman comes out to advertise the new Mountain Dew Ice.

The premise – It’s ice and fire with Peter Dinklage — get it? It’s a pretty simple idea done twice. This is an ad that works great together or on its own, since the product integration is clear either way.

Brand recognition – this is a little bit tricky since both products are trying to introduce something new. It was a very smart move to show the product both at the beginning and the end of each commercial, mostly because otherwise we’d feel as though there wasn’t enough actually screen time for the products in here.

Related – See more Super Bowl commercials and grades

Creativity – Having celebrities sing random karaoke is a trick that’s been done a billion times before. On paper, there’s nothing altogether new here. The Game of Thrones connection with fire and ice is what makes it somewhat interesting.

Our overall grade – B. The Dinklage part of it is amazing, but where the two ads lose us slightly is casting Freeman. Why didn’t they get another Game of Thrones actor for the other part like Kit Harington? Freeman just doesn’t fit the motif of what they are presenting here other than that he may be a little more of a recognizable star.

What did you think about this Super Bowl commercial? Share some of your thoughts now in the comments! Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other updates on the big game and more. (Photo: Doritos.)

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