Is Mariah Carey returning for New Year’s Rockin’ Eve 2018?

New Year's Rockin' Eve 2018

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve 2018 is about to be that much more interesting — after all, Mariah Carey is going to be returning to perform during the big show.

In a new post on Twitter, Carey herself confirmed that she will be coming back to the ABC broadcast for the second straight year — a move that can probably be described as her trying to get a little bit of redemption. If you recall, her performance last season went down as one of the biggest entertainment moments of the calendar year — even if it came about in the closing minutes of it. She seemingly flubbed some of the lyrics and eventually lead to this being one of the most talked about performances all about her awkwardly moving about the stage while subtly throwing some shade here and there along the way. It was endlessly entertaining, but at the same time far from what was intended. In the aftermath of what transpired we saw things get testy with accusations fired left and right between Carey and the producers of New Year’s Rockin’ Eve regarding what happened.

By returning to the show at the end of the year, what Mariah Carey is confirming is that she’s not going to let a past controversy get in the way of the future. To go along with that, she’s also going to continue to be one of the best promoters out there. She knows how to bring attention to her performances and one of the best ways to do that is to embrace controversy and enormous audiences — even if one of these said audiences didn’t love what you did the last time. It’s brilliant marketing on ABC’s part, as well — after what happened last year ratings are probably going to be through the roof to see if Carey delivers something similar this year or gives the sort of performance we know that she can. When she’s hitting all of the notes there are very few singers out there stronger than Mariah Carey.

What do you think about Mariah Carey returning to New Year’s Rockin’ Eve at the end of the year, and what are you the most excited to see? Be sure to share in the comments below!

Remember that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some more news regarding New Year’s Rockin’ Eve and some other shows we cover. (Photo: ABC.)

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