Is Erich Bergen leaving Madam Secretary? Don’t count on it…

Erich Bergen

Is Erich Bergen leaving Madam Secretary in the midst of the storyline that is going on right now with Blake? We’d say not to count on that.

At the end of this past episode, we understand that there were some concern about the character’s future after it was revealed that Elizabeth plans to fire him in a year’s time and he will have to figure out what he wants to do career-wise. We understand that this sort of news can be startling, especially in the midst of what happened earlier this season with Bebe Neuwirth. While we did get an awesome new addition to the series in the form of Sara Ramirez, nobody wants to see old favorites depart!

Luckily, in the case of Bergen it appears as though you don’t have all that much to ultimately be worried about. While you may be fearful about his future at the moment, it doesn’t appear as though the show has any plans to do away with him any time soon. In a post on Twitter Bergen confirmed the news (see below), saying that he’s got a few years left on his contract. No matter what happens with the character and his future, you’re going to see it play out through the lens of the character. Most series regulars tend to sign six or seven-year contracts when starting out on a series; some do ask to depart early, but by and large there’s a reason why you don’t see many cast changes until this point in the show.

When it comes to future material for Blake, we don’t think there’s going to be any shortage of it — it’s common for there to be characters who are struggling to figure out what they want out of life. In the political sphere, there are also a number of interesting directions that the CBS series could choose to take the character.

What do you want to see moving forward for Blake on Madam Secretary, and do you think that the character has an interesting future? Share in the comments!

Just in case you missed it, Madam Secretary isn’t on tonight — you can find out the show’s return date by heading over to the link here right now!

Meanwhile, we suggest that you also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some more news on this show and some others we cover here at the site. (Photo: CBS.)

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