SNL – How accurate is Floribama Shore spoof?

Floribama Shore spoof

The SNL Floribama Shore spoof hit the internet on this weekend’s new episode, and no doubt it was funny. But, was it accurate to the show itself?

CarterMatt has reviewed the first two episodes of the MTV series (which you can check out here) and while the show didn’t use verbatim the same personalities, you could see that whoever wrote the sketch clearly had watched the show. You had a woman named Quartney who spelled it in a strange way much like the actual Kortni on Floribama Shore, you had an African-American guy who seemed reasonably normal in the midst of all of the chaos around him, and you had some really dark background stories that people were trying to pass it off as no big deal at all. In the SNL spoof, it’s the story of trying to bringing someone’s ashes onto a roller coaster and spreading them all around, but on the actual show this young cast has already faced divorces, cheating, homeschooling, and miscarriages.

The tone and the music of the Floribama Shore skit was perfect, but there were some parts of this that were clearly made up and accelerated. Take, for example, the heavy focus on Hurricane Irma — though this did make for some of the night’s funniest moments. Chris Redd was the clear scene-stealer of the sketch without saying all that much — one of the best moments of the episode was watching him quietly packing his things and preparing to leave in the midst of the swearing, yelling and drink throwing.

While we’re sure that some of the Floribama Shore cast members are suddenly very self-aware after watching this video, at the same time it’s a huge badge of honor and great publicity for the show — they are suddenly super-famous on a much larger scale. We have a feeling that the vast majority of the people who watched Saturday Night Live this past week had never even heard of it going into the episode. If you loved the Floribama Shore premiere, you probably loved this; meanwhile, it was a worthy addition to a show that at others points left something to be desired. The pre-tapes and Weekend Update were really what lifted the rest of the show as a whole.

What do you think about this weekend’s SNL episode, and the Floribama Shore spoof as a whole? Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the subject below!

Meanwhile, head over here to read a little bit more of our take on the show’s cold open or like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want more news on this show plus others we cover. (Photo: MTV.)

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