Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Is Dillon throwing in the towel?
Well, we’re now in a position where some of these questions are starting to turn up yet again in the wake of him acting as though he’s going home, and his comments that this show is not for him. He seems fine with leaving and Emily staying, which would make it really hilarious in the event that people in the game are interested in keeping him.
This morning, there’s definitely been plenty of debate about it. Ika, in between throwing Sindy under the bus to Neda and talking about her left and right, has made it clear that she wants Dillon gone since Bruno could benefit from him staying. Ever since Kevin won the Veto she’s starting to act far more threatened by Kevin and Bruno, though it’s possible that this sentiment will last for a day or two and then she’ll be back to liking the two of them once more. One of the biggest things that we’ve seen over time from Ika is that she does have this tendency to go in random directions strategically based on the day. She’s entertainment gold, but this is going to catch up with her.
Meanwhile, Kevin’s campaigning for Dillon to stay could also catch up to him. Last night, he tried to push William to campaign to keep him, making the argument that he’s a big target they can hide behind while also saying that Emily and Jackie could easily team up and become a new pair. He made a similar pitch today to Demetres, trying to tell him that Emily and Jackie could target Ika. In turn, however, Demetres said that he thought it was pretty likely that Dillon would also go after Ika in the event that he stays. (Kevin really should realize that the seeds were sewn on the Dillon – Demetres relationship back during the first week, and the odds are pretty low that this changes.)
If Dillon continues to act like he wants to leave, it may be easy to let him walk and get him out of the house. It’d be pretty funny to keep him otherwise, and it may be smarter since he may not try all that hard the rest of the way.
If you were in the house, who would you want to evict: Dillon or Emily? Share in the comments below!
Meanwhile, head over to the link here if you do want to get some other news on Big Brother Canada 5 and the live feeds. (Photo: Global.)