Big Brother canada 5 live feed spoilers: Does Gary have any hope?

Gary Levy

We want to say that we feel for Gary Levy in the Big Brother Canada 5 game, but the reality here is that every move you make on this show has consequences. His move was to defend Cassandra and fight for her to stay, and this week, he’s seemingly paying for it.

While there have been small conversations about keeping him here and there, the reality this week is that he’s facing his writing on the wall. Demetres is Head of Household, and while he’s not staunchly anti-Gary, he’s smart to realize that keeping him would be going against the wishes of almost everyone in the house. There are too many people left to rock the boat in that big of a way.

Is there still hope for Gary to stay? Sure, but he’s probably dependent on some sort of twist in order to make it happen. It’s possible with Reverse Week that the person Demetres votes to evict is actually the person who stays; meanwhile, it’s also possible that Arisa Cox tells Demetres on Thursday’s show that Gary / Dre are safe and everyone else is eligible. Remember Bruno melting down over the Have-Not twist? Imagine him when he learns that Gary may not go home this week if that happens.

For the record, if Demetres has to cast a vote to send someone home and that’s it, it’d almost certainly be Dillion. That’s a lot of work on a twist to get to a boring outcome.

The best thing that Gary can do this week is simply be as nice as possible so that he doesn’t hurt any of his allies’ game in the event that he leaves. Maybe it’s possible that Dre will make a mistake along the way; there’s not too much else he can do since there is only one person he can campaign to. It’s a little easier when you’ve got a full house and you can convince people that they should all vote together. There’s not much of an incentive for other people to look around and reconsider their options when everyone’s going to hold their cards close to the vest this week. There’s no incentive to do anything otherwise!

If you were Gary, what would you do in the Big Brother Canada house this week to stick around? Share now in the attached comments below. (Photo: Global.)

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