Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Eviction, Reverse Week chatter

Reverse Week

What is Reverse Week going to be like on Big Brother Canada 5? Regrettably, we still don’t have too many details on the subject of that. Theoretically, it feels like you’d have an eviction first followed by the Veto and then Have-Nots and then Head of Household, but that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Then again, it’s Big Brother Canada — there’s not all that much that does make sense all of the time.

With this show, you have to just expected the unexpected even more than Big Brother in America, otherwise known as the show that does actually use that as a slogan. Anything can happen and often anything does happen. Not all of it is fair, but the game’s not meant to be fair.

We could keep going with various idioms and expressions, but there are some important things to get out there.

Eviction – Cassandra is going home. People have told her she’s safe, but they often don’t mean it and are trying to just make matters easier on themselves. It’s just hard to imagine the configuration of votes needed to save her, and it especially makes zero sense for Demetres to want to do something like this. In his current alliance with the veterans, he’s one of the least-threatening people there. With the likes of Dre, Cassandra, William, and Gary, he stands out far more and the vets would have a serious ax to grind. Unless production throws out some massive twist to spare her life, she’s going home.

We love Cassandra as entertainment, and we think she played a very good game last season. However, she’s actually rather similar to the person who went home on Survivor last night (spoilers from the episode ahead) in JT. Both are good players, but they’re better when they’ve got someone they can share a brain with and trust implicitly. They need a buffer, and without that they get themselves in trouble. Almost all of Cassandra’s troubles this season were self-inflicted because she was itching to play hard almost from the get-go.

We’ll be back to speak further about the eviction and more tonight. Meanwhile, keep track of this link given that tomorrow morning, we’ll have an exit interview up with the eliminated houseguest. We’re going to be heading off to WonderCon for the day, so the interview will be online a little earlier than usual.

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