Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: William’s debate
William’s debate today stems from the fact that he’s got the Power of Veto necklace, and he’s got two people in Jackie and Cassandra who he could theoretically use it on. Cassandra is pushing him hard to use it on her, knowing that this is the only way for her to be able to emerge from this week. If she stays on the block, she probably knows it in her gut that she is going to be sent home from the game in the end. She may not want to admit it to herself just yet, but she’ll get there.
In Cass’ mind, the two likely replacement nominees are Gary and Dre, and her strategy for now seems to be trying to convince some people that if one of them goes up, they’ll have the votes to stay and Jackie could still go.
The big issue for William is that he’s got some sort of working relationship with Jackie already, and there is no logical reason for him to use the Veto. If he keeps nominations the same, there aren’t too many people who are mad at him beyond Cassandra. However, if he does use the Veto, he will make Cassandra happen and then make someone like Dre / Gary uneasy for a little while. Also, he wouldn’t earn any favor with Neda or anyone else who wants Cass out of the game. It’s possible today that she whips up some plan to convince William to pull the trigger on the move — we don’t put it past Cassandra given how one of her best abilities in the game is being able to escape from tricky spots. We just don’t have a ton of confidence in such a movie in this situation given that so much of the odds are stacked against her. There are also far better players in the house this season.
If you do want to get some further news when it comes to Big Brother Canada this season, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Global.)