Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH in week 3?
Still with us? Well … Neda is the new Head of Household!
Did she need it? That’s an entirely different story. We love Neda, and with that, we remain invested in her getting as far into the game as humanly possible. She’s already got safety, and therefore didn’t need to win this. In reminding everyone she’s good at mental competitions, she reminds them that she’s a huge threat at the end of the game. Maybe she just thinks that she’s so big of a target that even if she sat around and ate almonds all day, she’d still be a target to be sent home. She’d rather play than sit on the sidelines.
As for what this means for her game, it could start with Cassandra being in danger. The safe play would be to target someone like Dillon ostracized by much of the house, but Cass is one of the people holding many of the newbies together and taking her out now before she has more power could be useful.
Ultimately, remember that we’re writing this article within minutes out of the episode — in other words, there’s a VERY good chance that everything will change by the time that nominations roll around. We do think that the biggest thing Neda can do is to keep some other strong players around. There will be a time to eliminate a Kevin or a Bruno, but that time is not now. Having other targets only diminishes hers, especially since there’ll be weeks when she could have a harder time winning competitions.
The funny thing about the way that Global does their air shows is that viewers of the show only won’t technically know who won HoH until Monday night’s new episode. By the time that airs, the nominations, the Power of Veto, and the Veto Ceremony will have already happened. That’s a lot of content!
More Big Brother Canada news
We suggest that you head over here, given that this is where you can read more of our reaction to Dallas’ eviction, and the ridiculous game that he played for most of the season. We’ll have an exit interview online with Dallas come tomorrow. (Photo: Global.)