Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Week two Veto players

Week two Veto players -

The week two players were determined earlier today in the Big Brother Canada 5 house, and what that means is simply that things are going to be getting all the more interesting. We’re getting more and more of two defined sides of the house, and each one of them is seemingly becoming all the more interested in taking out a vet this week.

The players taking part this week in the Power of Veto Competition are Demetres, Dillon, Emily, Dre, Karen, and Neda, which we personally think is a pretty good draw for the nominees. There’s zero incentive for Neda or Dre to win this, and if it’s physical, Karen probably has no chance. Emily’s already talked about maybe saving Dillon if she wins, so her heart clearly isn’t in this as much as it is for Dillon. He’s going to go all-out and try to win this if he possibly can. For Demetres, he still wants Dillon out and will probably fight hard with that in mind.

However, many of the people within the Neda contingent (which also includes Sindy and Ika) are intent on getting out Dallas as a backdoor target if someone goes down, and they’d probably prefer that. There’s a big benefit to keeping Dillon around given that he and Demetres can keep going after each other, which protects just about everyone else for a while.

Then, there’s Cassandra, who continues to rally many of the newbies like Emily, Dre, and William to her cause of trying to get Bruno out this week. Here’s where this all could blow up: She may not have as much influence with Demetres as she thinks that she does, so it’s not a sure thing that he backdoors Bruno if he gets a chance to do that. Cass is talking to way too many people this week about a plan that may not work. She’d be better off waiting until after Veto, given that if someone wins and doesn’t use the Veto, Bruno easily learns what she’s up to and targets her next week. We know he’s far more capable of winning a future Head of Household Competition than she is.

Spilling-the-tea moment of the morning

Dillon ranting about how unfair the time-warp twist was since there was a zero percent chance of any of the newbies getting it. We like the vets, but we certainly don’t want to see the entire game handed to them. Granted, the newbies are complicit in that so far as much as anyone. They gotta start looking at going after vets if they want any hope of winning this game in the end.

Later today, we’ll have some more news on the Veto results over here. Be sure to come back for more news later on!

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