NBC’s ‘Timeless’: Should any other characters time-travel?

Timeless -While there are several different things that we do find interesting and compelling about “Timeless” on NBC, we watch first and foremost for the adventure. It’s a show that makes the impossible possible, and gives you a very entertaining opportunity to see a motley crew of characters take on some unexpected challenges in various places and at various times.

To date, though, there have only been four major characters involved in almost every episode in terms of time-travel: Lucy, Rufus, Wyatt, and on the other side Garcia Flynn. Having it be these four characters in theory does make the most sense, given that they’ve got the skill set for it, and at this point value invaluable experience that cannot be easily replaced. They’ve been locked up, shot at, threatened, and found themselves making up terrible alter egos in order to survive. (It’s funny — we thought the gag of bad cover stories would get old, but it never has!)

So could this ever change? For example, could Jiya ever find a note from the past telling her that he was left in the past, and could she travel back to find him? What about Agent Christopher if it meant having a guaranteed shot at taking down Flynn? Maybe it won’t happen this season, given that there are only six episodes left and we’re really still getting our feet wet when it comes to the whole premise of time-travel.

One of the reasons that this could be most valuable as a season 2 or season 3 storyline is that it could play a valuable role in keeping the show’s spirit — and awkward clumsiness of the time-travelers — intact. If Lucy and company are still moving about through history in a year or two’s time, they’ll be more accustomed to it. Putting someone like Jiya, however, in a fish-out-of-water situation would then be very fun. You’d restore the show in a way to what it was in the pilot without wiping away all of the character development.

“Timeless,” regardless of what happens with its characters and time-travel, really is at its core a clean-slate show. With a new setting every week you’re setting yourself up constantly for all sorts of unlimited possibilities, and you just have to figure out the right way to explore them.

Do you want to see “Timeless” put some other characters through time-travel? Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to head over here to get some further news about the next new episode, which will feature the Chicago World’s Fair, H.H. Holmes, and so much more. (Photo: NBC.)

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