‘Major Crimes’ season 5 spoilers: Everything heats up in ‘Dead Zone’

Buzz -For most of this season of “Major Crimes,” Buzz has been trying to figure out the truth behind his father’s murder. He’s enlisted Rusty at times for help, and done whatever he can in order to find answers to the various questions plaguing him with this case.

Before the end of this summer season, it does look like we could see the character have a few more answers. By the end of the August 29 episode entitled “Dead Zone,” the character may meet someone in the flesh who was present for what happened. If anyone is going to be capable of giving him some further information, it’s clear that it would be this person.

As for what else is going to happen over the course of the hour, be prepared for a case that could impact Sanchez on a personal level. There will be a murder that has an impact on him, and in the process of their investigation, the unit is going to discover a much larger operation.

Of course, we’ll have further information on this particular episode as we get closer to it airing. On Monday night the show is returning from a short hiatus with “Off the Wagon,” a story that will example addiction in Hollywood among other things. Meanwhile, Rusty will do his part to figure out things with his biological mother after a season of conflict. We’ll be back with a full review after this installment airs.

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