‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 4 spoilers: Chloe Bennet on changes to Daisy moving forward
When you get a chance to see the Daisy Johnson character moving forward on Marvel’s “Agents of SHIELD,” odds are that you are going to see a rather different side of her than before … and with good reason. Given what she went through, from the prophecy to the eventual death of Lincoln to of course being temporarily brainwashed by Hive, she’s not going to see her life in the same way that she once did. Her circumstances will have shaken her, and she will have to try to figure out the best way to push forward.
In speaking out further about some of these changes, Chloe Bennet handed down to Entertainment Weekly what we feel to be a pretty practical tease of her arc, and her character’s standpoint, moving forward:
“I think [her past] makes her more ruthless being so close to what she thought was her own death … And then it happening in one of the worst scenarios she could ever think of, which is the person that she loved doing it for her, I think it changes her in a way where she probably will face life with even more ruthlessness. Also, there’s a sense of sadness that was there that I tried to make apparent at the end of the episode.”
We’re certainly down for a more ruthless Daisy (whatever that means), but we do hope that there is a part of her that remains just as loyal and as optimistic as she once was. Daisy, even as Skye, was one of the hearts of the team, and we’ve already seen her go through so much over time.
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