‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Eviction, Head of Household speculation

Maddy -Tonight, either Tim or Maddy will become the latest houseguest evicted from “Big Brother Canada” … or at least we believe. There is still a little bit of uncertainty, and we do also think there are some questions of fairness continuing the week given the departure of Ramsey. while we don’t know if he would have been able to leverage his relationship with Jared to try to save her and get Tim out, it would have been interesting to see.

So provided that there is still an eviction, nothing we’ve seen from the past 12 hours suggests that she will be sticking around. Tim has the votes of Joel, Cassandra, and Nikki 100%, and since they were probably never changing, he never had too much of a reason to worry.

You know who does have a major reason to worry? The brothers. No matter who wins Head of Household next, there’s a chance that they could be targets. Maybe Jared and Kelsey will continue the bond that they formed with them this week, but Jared’s relationship with Phil and Nick has been so hot-and-cold that it’s hard to say for sure. However, Tim, Cassandra, and Joel would almost surely target them. Nikki’s too much of a wild-card, and she’s already wanted Cassandra out for a rather long span of time.

While our heart wants a Tim HoH because it would probably be the most entertaining, our head feels more like Jared is going to win next. It’s been a while for him, and given the amount of building that’s been happening in the house we wouldn’t be shocked if there was a physical or endurance component to the competition tonight.

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