‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The sounds of boredom
We’re giving you a “Big Brother Canada” live feed update tonight mostly out of obligation, since we feel like it’s only right that there are at least two updates posted every day on the latest happenings in the house. Unfortunately, the downside here today is that there is really not a whole lot going on of substance.
Could we spend some time talking about a Cassandra / Phil conversation from a few hours ago? Sure, but both parties were blowing smoke at each other. Cass doesn’t really want him that close to the end, and Phil doesn’t want her to know that he is closer to Jared and Kelsey. The only truth we took from this is that the brothers would probably vote with the house if they are not in power next week, mostly because they don’t want to stand out like a sore thumb.
The majority of the day has been spent with people goofing off, playing pranks, or sleeping. Maddy hasn’t really campaigned, and while we wouldn’t say that she is resigned to her fate of leaving the house, this is what seems to be awaiting her unless she figures out some sort of magical way to turn things around by the time we make it to Thursday. Joel, Cassandra, and Nikki are all votes to keep Tim, and it’s hard to imagine many situations where they would flip.
More than anything, we just hope now that there is at least some drama over the next couple of days that sets the stage for the season.
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