‘The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story’ finale video: Preparing for the verdict

OJ Simpson -Before we get into anything else, there is one thing that you should know about Tuesday night’s finale for “The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story“: You’re going to be watching it for a quite a long stretch of time. As of right now the finale is listed as going until 11:33 p.m. Eastern time including commercials, and even without them this will be longer than any other installment.

Then again, this does make a little bit of sense when you stop for a moment and consider everything that the show has to resolve right now. They’ve got to hear some closing arguments, render the verdict, and also see the widespread ramifications of what happens after the jury comes back with “not guilty” … oh, sorry for spoiling the end of the Simpson trial for everyone.

One other thing we’re curious about is if the show is going to feel the need at all to provide updates on what has happened since the trial. This is very fascinating in its own right, since so many people involved have written some sort of book, or went on to leverage their experience for some sort of additional fame elsewhere. As a result of this show, many of these people are also back in the spotlight with a few exceptions. The real Christopher Darden has chosen to remain quiet about the series, and the same goes for Lance Ito. Simpson himself has not given any public interviews, though he is currently in Nevada prison stemming from other charges.

We’ll be back tomorrow night with a full review for the finale.

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