‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The end of Loveita and Kelsey’s secret suite
Prior to Thursday night’s eviction show for “Big Brother Canada,” we wanted to give you at least one more story regarding the state of the Secret Suite, where Loveita and Kelsey have been living for much of the past seven days. There hasn’t really been a whole lot of productive game-talk in there for a while, mostly because most of their secrets were already out in the open. Both realize that Tim and Mitch are huge threats, and need to be taken out sooner rather than later.
Now that we’ve said all of this, there is still a huge question that remains: How are these two going to compete to re-enter the game? For the time being, the show is not saying. It’s pretty clear to us that this is not a public vote, since viewers would have had to decide by now unless there are starting it tonight for another show down the road. Instead, maybe we’re going to see some sort of competition for it, or possibly the house voting for who they want to see back in the game.
One other idea that has been talked about online is that the returning player should get to cast a vote for who to evict, mostly because Loveita would almost surely get rid of Maddy over Dallas and keep him safe. That’s something that has been fun to watch over the past week; Dallas has somehow went from the most-hated person by many this season to one of the most-loved by at least some fans out there. That’s what being and underdog will do to you!
For the record, it still appears as though Nikki’s decision to keep Maddy is going to be what cements the vote for now.
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March 31, 2016 @ 7:43 pm
I saw on another spoilers post that the two ladies were given different colored poker chips from Emmett Blois. They had to hide the chips so the houseguests would not find them. The houseguests were then tasked with finding the chips. Whatever team fount the most of one color got a party. The other team got nothing but that person who had the least amount of chips found would be coming back in. I think it was Loveita.
March 31, 2016 @ 10:41 pm
I hope that you are right, Tali. I really hope that it is Loveita coming back into the game and not Kelsey.