‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Tim tries to cause chaos

Tim -

We’d been waiting for a good while for Sunday night’s “Big Brother Canada” episode to air, mostly for the reason that we were very much curious to see how the show would paint the picture of Tim’s reign of Head of Household. Was it all in good fun, or was there a little bit of a deeper story at play here?

As we knew, there was some strategy behind him allowing some of the houseguests to have some power in the nominations, allocating points for who they wanted to put on the block as opposed to letting him do the work. The real challenge is that several people are all on to precisely what he is up to. The same goes for Kelsey and Loveita, who were watching from their suite and realized at the same time that Mitch is someone who has been playing them.

The charade that Tim put the players through in this episode for nominations was for the most part funny. Was it great for his game? We’re not quite sure.

Let’s turn to a few fun moments from the episode…

1. The “BB Says” task was ridiculous, but we still laughed over poor Phil and the ghost pepper. Those things really are no joke and that proves it.

2. Dallas should never wear that nasty nomination ceremony outfit ever again. Also, it is proof that he knew it was coming; heck, he more or less encouraged people to giving gummy koala points.

3. Ramsey had a few nice moments this week. Ramsey exists!

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