‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7, episode 15 preview: Will Ian Somerhalder’s Damon make himself disappear?
We know that when the flash-forwards first started for “The Vampire Diaries” at the start of season 7, Damon Salvatore wasn’t exactly experiencing a lot of activity. As a matter of fact, he was locked in a coffin!
Are we going to start to see more of how this came to be on the show next week? It certainly seems that way, judging from everything that is going on with Rayna right now in the synopsis below. This episode is called “I Would for You,” and it definitely looks like it’ll be a powerful one:
“While Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Valerie (guest star Elizabeth Blackmore) search for a magical herb that can keep him hidden from Rayna (guest star Leslie-Anne Huff), Damon (Ian Somerhalder) comes up with his own plan to take her down for good. However, while at The Armory, Bonnie (Kat Graham) makes a shocking discovery about Rayna that brings Damon’s plan to a screeching halt. Elsewhere, a conversation with Caroline (Candice King) leaves Stefan questioning their future together, while Matt (Zach Roerig) decides it may be time to truly take a stand against the vampires of Mystic Falls. Finally, as the season’s middle chapter draws to a close, Damon’s desire to take himself out of the game ramps up as he races to complete unfinished business with Stefan and Bonnie.”
It’s a little hard to preview most of the rest of this episode in context, with there being one key reason for that more so than anything else: The crossover between “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals” is not over yet. Therefore, there is still more storytelling to come for Stefan that we don’t quite know for certain yet.
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