‘Girl Meets World’ season 2, episode 28 reaction: ‘Girl Meets Commonism’ and … communism?

Girl Meets World -It took us to the very end of Friday night’s new episode of “Girl Meets World” for us to start to even understand why this episode was even entitled “Girl Meets Commonism” in the first place. Why? It’s really as simple as the fact that for most of the half-hour, we actually thought “Girl Meets Communism” would’ve been a better title … even if it was a little bit too edgy for what the show typically tries to portray.

The moral of the story was all about being yourself and being unique, and if you try too hard to have some sort of collective consciousness, you do end up losing an enormous part of yourself in the process. Having Riley try to become communist with Maya and Farkle as a way for them to all work together on tests was a perfect example of that very message. They shared everything, and at the same time lost much of their uniqueness.

In watching the episode, we’re not surprised that this was filmed early in season 2 but ultimately held back until now. It’s a little bit of an odd one when it comes to its storyline and its theme. We just want to know who in the writers room woke up and thought “okay, why don’t we do a communism episode?” as a way to come up with a theme.

On a positive note, at least we got to see more Zay! Also, Auggie had a story that took him outside of home for a change where we could see him start to struggle with what he wanted to be when he grew up.

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