‘Shiptober: Will ‘Poldark’ season 2 bring Ross, Demelza closer together?
At the moment, season 2 of “Poldark” is filming in Great Britain, and the show is preparing to premiere with ten new episodes in the spring. This is a show known for a variety of different things, with some of the principal ones being adventure, drama, and of course romance. This brings us back to our two main characters. Their love story was a key component of much of the first season, but they now should be in a position to move forward … or are they? The thing is we’re not sure they will get past just yet is what happened to their child or Ross’ unexpected visit from the police in the finale, and therefore, they are entering season 2 with more challenges than ever.
In this edition of our CarterMatt ‘Shiptober series, we’re going to determine whether or not these two have the potential to have a great future, or if some further problems are going to continue to haunt them.
The case for happy times – Don’t Ross and Demelza deserve happiness at this point? You would think so, given that we’ve been through so much with them. They’re an underdog story, and if there is one thing that is fairly universal about TV, no matter the country of origin, it is that it is easy to root for underdogs finding a way to make it. These two definitely have the capacity to be happy if they can handle the sadness and find a way to get on more stable footing. As a couple, we’ve certainly seen the love and the chemistry develop over time.
The case for more sorrow – After all, this is “Poldark,” and it is a show that has a tendency to put some of its characters through terrible stuff time and time again. We don’t want to ever say the worst is over, since this is a series that has free reign on its future despite coming from familiar source material, and they’ve already done so much bad stuff to Ross already. Why not throw more adversity at them? Another way to look at this is that if you expect this show to run four to five seasons, there’s no real hurry to give them a happy ending. Maybe someone on the development front thinks it’s better to put them through more adversity first before bringing them together and give them the happiness they long for.
In the end, we think that much of the future for Ross and Demelza is going to come based out of what the show wants it to be about. If this is meant to be about a love story, they’ll find a way to bring them back together. If this is strictly Ross’ journey, however, anything is up for grabs.