‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 4 preview: Flying high in Africa

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Where are we seeing “The Amazing Race” going heading into Friday night’s new episode? The simple answer is “Africa,” but if you’re looking for more specifics, our guess is that we are getting set to see the teams in either Zambia or Zimbabwe.

We’ve seen promos for this episode hyping up a visit to a natural wonder, and it seems like we’re heading to Victoria Falls. That waterfall, which is the largest in the world when you combine both width and height, is right on the border of those two countries. At least one team member is going to be flying around it, judging from the sneak peek that you have below. Some people (such as Kelsey from The Reporters) are out to simply enjoy it; others, such as Diana from the Green Team, are trying to use it to overcome a fear.

We know that more of this episode is probably going to revolve around the upcoming Double U-Turn and some of the drama that it proves. For now, Team Texas is out for the Green Team’s blood (metaphorically, people), and it is still to be seen whether or not they are going to be able to actually achieve their goal.

Ultimately, we actually would be surprised if either of these teams (plus the Reporters; you can throw them in there, as well) end up going home thanks to the way the U-Turn works; if Justin & Diana are hit with it, they’ll just go after who is behind them provided that they’re not in last. We also wouldn’t be shocked if this is a non-elimination leg, since keeping all of the teams would allow for even more drama.

Want some further news when it comes to “The Amazing Race”? If you head over here, you can read our most-recent episode review right now! Also, be sure to sign up right away to get some additional TV news on just about everything we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)


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