‘Girl Meets World’ season 2, episode 10 preview: The focus is on Farkle

Girl Meets World -After a couple of weeks off of the air, “Girl Meets World” season 2 is going to be returning on Friday with “Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes to Washington.” This is going to be a really important episode for the Eric Matthews episode. Just as this past episode brought us some more closure for the Shawn Hunter and Angela characters, Friday may do the same thing when it comes to callbacks to the original series.

Now, we have to pose an interesting question: Why in the world is the Disney Channel promoting this new episode in the way in which they are? It is a somewhat strange move, especially when you remember here that this is a show that has tried throughout season 2 so far to appeal to more of the classic fans of the ABC series. This video below is really all about Farkle, and we still have next to no idea what his ultimate role in the story is going to be.

If we had to speculate on the reason why for the time being, it is this: The show is banking that many oldschool “Boy Meets Words” fans are going to watch, and instead, they want to ensure that they can bring in some of the new blood, who may not be as familiar with the show or the cast. If they can get some of these people on board, then they will know that they have an especially good thing going on.

We’ll be back tonight with further reaction for this episode.

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